Alsuwaidi & Company


Flood Insurance Claims in Dubai

Navigating Flood Insurance Claims in Dubai: A Legal Guide for Homes, Cars, and Businesses

The recent floods in Dubai, UAE, have resulted in substantial damage to homes, vehicles, and businesses. Numerous residents are now struggling with the complicated process of claiming insurance to recover from these losses due to their lack of knowledge, understanding and experience in this field. If you have been affected by the floods and are […]

Navigating Flood Insurance Claims in Dubai: A Legal Guide for Homes, Cars, and Businesses Read More »

Dubai launches a new key driving force to create all setting up business through a Unified Digital Window Platform called “INVEST IN DUBAI”

This article examines the rules and regulations regarding Dubai Decree No. 13/2024 on Creating a Unified Digital Window for Establishing Companies in the Emirate of Dubai. Further, the Executive council has endorsed the principles for streamlining the investor’s journey catering to their needs in choosing the suitable sectors for their projects through a unified digital

Dubai launches a new key driving force to create all setting up business through a Unified Digital Window Platform called “INVEST IN DUBAI” Read More »

Decree No. (29) of 2024 regarding the establishment of Judicial Committee for Resolving Jurisdictional Conflicts between the DIFC Courts and the Judicial Authorities in Dubai Emirate

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Ruler of Dubai, has issued Decree No. (29) of 2024 regarding the establishment of an independent judicial body called the “Judicial Committee for Resolving Jurisdictional Conflicts between the DIFC Courts and the Judicial Authorities in Dubai Emirate.” This committee is composed of seven judges, Headed by

Decree No. (29) of 2024 regarding the establishment of Judicial Committee for Resolving Jurisdictional Conflicts between the DIFC Courts and the Judicial Authorities in Dubai Emirate Read More »

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked Tier 2 in Chambers & Partners Global 2024

Alsuwaidi & Company has been ranked  Tier 2 law firm in Chambers and Partners Global 2024 research.  Chambers notes that Alsuwaidi & Company “inspires a considerable return of insightful client commentary, indicating a dependable level of service and houses a solid bench of dedicated specialists.” “Alsuwaidi & Company’s ability to handle complex and sophisticated matters is strong.  They have

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked Tier 2 in Chambers & Partners Global 2024 Read More »

The UAE Insurance Federal Decree No. 48 of November 2023: A Summary of the most significant changes

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) issued a new Federal Insurance Decree No. 48 (‘Decree No. 48 of 2023’) which was published in the UAE Official Gazette (Issue No. 762), the official periodical of laws and decrees issued by the UAE Federal Government,  on  31 October, 2023. Decree No. 48 of 2023 came into force on

The UAE Insurance Federal Decree No. 48 of November 2023: A Summary of the most significant changes Read More »

Special Episode: Safeguarding your Intellectual Property in Dubai: An Interview with Rajiv Suri

Join us in this podcast to explore the dynamic world of intellectual property rights scenario in the United Arab Emirates! In this podcast, our Senior Associate, Rajiv Suri, as a seasoned expert in intellectual property laws, delves deep into the nuances of safeguarding creative intellectual property rights comprising trademarks, patents, designs and copyrights within the

Special Episode: Safeguarding your Intellectual Property in Dubai: An Interview with Rajiv Suri Read More »

International Arbitration

UAE – The Middle Ground between Europe, Africa & Asia: The Benefits of a Pluralistic Approach to International Arbitration

We are pleased to invite  you to attend our event “ UAE- The Middle Ground Between Europe, Africa and Asia: The Benefits of a Pluralistic Approach to International Arbitration”, which is scheduled to take place on Monday 13th November 2023, 01:00 PM-3:00 PM at Amal’s Coffee & Tea House, Capital Club Dubai, Gate Village Building 3,

UAE – The Middle Ground between Europe, Africa & Asia: The Benefits of a Pluralistic Approach to International Arbitration Read More »

ندوة حول قانون تنظيم علاقات العمل بالتعاون مع غرفة تجارة وصناعة عجمان

بالتعاون مع غرفة تجارة وصناعة عجمان سيقيم مكتب السويدي  ومشاركوه ندوة حول قانون تنظيم علاقات العمل يقدمها المستشار/رضا حجازي  يوم الاربعاء الموافق 13 سبتمبر  2023 الساعة 10 صباحاً.  تأتي هذه الندوة ضمن سلسلة فعاليات تهدف إلى تعزيز الوعي حول القوانين والأنظمة والتي سيتم تقديمها من خلال خبراء في المجال القانوني. ندعو جميع الشركات والأفراد المهتمين بموضوع

ندوة حول قانون تنظيم علاقات العمل بالتعاون مع غرفة تجارة وصناعة عجمان Read More »

ندوة علمية من خلال الانترنت حول موضوع : المحاماة والرقمنة تحديات وآفاق

بالاشتراك مع المنظمة العربية للمحامين الشباب نظم مكتب السويدي ومشاركوه بتاريخ 25 يوليو 2023 ندوة علمية من خلال الانترنت حول موضوع : المحاماة والرقمنة تحديات وآفاق، وخلال هذه الندوة تولى عدد من المستشارين من بلدان عربية مختلفة تقديم عروضا تناولت محاور مختلفة بعلاقة مهنة المحاماة بالرقمنة وتحدياتها من ناحية وما يمكن أن توفره من فرص

ندوة علمية من خلال الانترنت حول موضوع : المحاماة والرقمنة تحديات وآفاق Read More »

legal systems of Dubai

Recording of Webinar Overview of the legal systems of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Hong Kong

Video Link to ‘A Tale of 3 Cities’ Partcipants said: ‘A very good overview’, Barrister UAE ‘A great webinar! Very interesting.’ Managing Partner, Indonesia ‘…a thorough and informative webinar’ Partner, UK-based law firm presentation: approx. 90 minutes The webinar covers the following topics: Overviews of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Hong Kong Legal systems; Setting up

Recording of Webinar Overview of the legal systems of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Hong Kong Read More »

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked band two for the second year in Chambers & Partners Global 2023

We are delighted to share with you that Alsuwaidi & Company has been ranked for the second year Tier 2 law firm in Chambers and Partners Global 2023 research. Our recognition in international legal market is only as good as our representation of you, our client, so I thank you from my heart for your continued support. Why are the

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked band two for the second year in Chambers & Partners Global 2023 Read More »

Legal Framework for Non-muslims Marriages

United Arab Emirates – Non-Muslims Marriage, Divorce, and Inheritance Under New Personal Law

H.H. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan – the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”) President, recently issued the Decree by Law No. (41) of (2022), concerning the Civil Personal Status Code. The provisions of this Decree shall apply to the non-Muslims in the UAE who are UAE Citizens and to non-Muslim Foreigners residing therein. The Decree

United Arab Emirates – Non-Muslims Marriage, Divorce, and Inheritance Under New Personal Law Read More »

عقارات وممتلكات وحقوق غير المسلمين بالإمارات ومدى تطبيق الشريعة من عدمه

سؤال يطرحه الكثيرون من الأفراد والمستثمرين غير المسلمين حول عقاراتهم وممتلكاتهم بعد الوفاة وكذلك كافة حقوقهم المدنية الأخرى وهل سيتم تطبيق أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية تلقائيا. أصدر صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن زايد اَل نهيان رئيس دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة مرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم (41) لسنة 2022 في شأن الأحوال الشخصية المدني. ويطبق هذا المرسوم على غير

عقارات وممتلكات وحقوق غير المسلمين بالإمارات ومدى تطبيق الشريعة من عدمه Read More »

Best Labour Lawyers in Dubai

New Family Business Law

Regulates the benefits, incentives and work of family businesses, governance, management, transfer of shares and dispute resolution in order to enhance their role in the national economy On 10 October 2022, Decree-Law No. (37) on Family Businesses was issued and published in the Official Gazette and it will come into force three months after the

New Family Business Law Read More »

legal consultants in UAE

Requisition of Power of Attorney – New Trademark Applications – United Arab Emirates (UAE)

One of the foremost and important requisition of a new trademark application in UAE is the filing of the Power of Attorney. The said document essentially empowers the agent/s or the advocate/s to act for and on behalf of an applicant before the Trademark Office which falls under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy.

Requisition of Power of Attorney – New Trademark Applications – United Arab Emirates (UAE) Read More »

تعديل قانون العمل يسمح بإبرام عقد عمل دون حد أقصى لمدته

اعتبارا من 29 سبتمبر 2022، أدخلت وزارة الموارد البشرية والتوطين تعديلا بموجب المرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم 14 لسنة 2022، بتعديل بعض أحكام المرسوم بقانون اتحادي – رقم 33 لعام 2021 والذي يتناول في المقام الأول تنظيم علاقات العمل. ويبرم عقد العمل لمدة محددة لا تزيد على ثلاث سنوات، ويجوز تجديده أو تمديده باتفاق الطرفين لفترة

تعديل قانون العمل يسمح بإبرام عقد عمل دون حد أقصى لمدته Read More »

Labor Lawyers in Dubai

Amendment of the Labor Law allows for the conclusion of an employment contract without a maximum duration limit

Effective September 29, 2022, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHRE) has brought into force an amendment vide Federal Decree law No. 14 of 2022 amending some provision/s of Federal Decree – Law No. 33 of 2021 which primarily deal with the Regulation of Labor Relations. The amendment primarily relates to abolishing the maximum

Amendment of the Labor Law allows for the conclusion of an employment contract without a maximum duration limit Read More »

UAE data protection law

UAE – New Law for Protection of Personal Data

In today’s day and age where the world is moving towards conducting trade through e-commerce and online transactions, foremost requirement for enabling such digitized transaction/s is to register subjects as users with one’s personal data. Resultantly, such personal data has become a valuable intangible asset for any commercial venture/s which has its online presence. It

UAE – New Law for Protection of Personal Data Read More »

intellectual property

International Trademark/s Filings through Madrid Protocol

UAE – International Trademark/s Filings through Madrid Protocol Madrid Protocol, which relates to the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks, (Madrid System), is regulated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) – which is one of the agencies of the United Nations. The Protocol allows owners/holders of trademarks to file and seek protection

International Trademark/s Filings through Madrid Protocol Read More »

Arbitration Lawyers in Dubai

Introduction of new classification law of the private establishments

UAE – Introduction of new classification law of the private establishments  The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) of the UAE Federal Government has introduced new Cabinet Resolution No. 18 of 2022. It is concerning classification into 3 Categories i.e., Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3 of private sector establishments/Companies, which are governed

Introduction of new classification law of the private establishments Read More »

intellectual property Lawyers in UAE | Amended Trademarks Law

Amended Trademarks Law

With the UAE economy picking up its threads during these tough covid times, some of the prominent federal laws are also undergoing transformation through specified amendment/s decrees. One such law involves regulation of trademarks regime in UAE. In September of 2021, the Ministry of Economy in UAE published in the official gazette a new Trademarks

Amended Trademarks Law Read More »

Commercial Dispute Lawyer Dubai

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked band two in Chambers & Partners Global 2022

We are delighted to share with you that Alsuwaidi & Company has been ranked Band 2 law firm in Chambers and Partners Global 2022 research. Why are the Chambers Rankings Important? Chambers and Partners is recognized as the worldwide leader in legal performance insights, and their rankings are considered the gold standard for firms and attorneys in

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked band two in Chambers & Partners Global 2022 Read More »

Dispute Resolution lawyer Dubai

Award for Dispute Resolution in Middle East

Congratulations to Robert Sliwinski for achieving the award for Dispute Resolution lawyer of the year for the Middle East Robert primarily deals with claims for professional negligence, property, landlord & tenant, delay analysis, costs, variations, defects, interpretation of contracts, repudiation, and many other aspects of contract in the areas of building, civil engineering, mechanical & electrical,

Award for Dispute Resolution in Middle East Read More »

Arbitration and Mediation in Saudi Arabia & MENA Region Webinar – By ArbDB Chambers & SCCA

“On 17 September 2020 Robert Sliwinski of Alsuwaidi & Company joined distinguished speakers from the Saudi Centre for Commercial Arbitration and ArbDB Chambers discussing ADR in the GCC Region (and in particular KSA) as well as the importance of Arbitration and Mediation to Family-Owned Business, Energy and Infrastructure. The event has assisted in raising awareness

Arbitration and Mediation in Saudi Arabia & MENA Region Webinar – By ArbDB Chambers & SCCA Read More »

Legal Business Week interview

Dubai Land Department Partners With Alsuwaidi & Company On Real Estate Lawyer Initiative

Alsuwaidi & Company is one of the selected law firms in the UAE to partner with the Dubai Land Department (“DLD”) on the Real Estate Lawyer initiative. The Real Estate Lawyer initiative presents Dubai as one of the world’s most attractive investment destinations globally. The Initiative opens Dubai’s real estate industry to both local and

Dubai Land Department Partners With Alsuwaidi & Company On Real Estate Lawyer Initiative Read More »

The 3rd DIAD-DIAL Conference

On 13 February 2020, Mohammed Alsuwaidi, the Managing Partner of Alsuwaidi & Company participated in the 3rd DIAD-DIAL Conference that was held in Al Habtoor Palace, Dubai, UAE from 13 – 15 February 2020 and talked about “Cases ended up in court” where he discussed the legal concept of Medical Responsibility; Negligence and definition of

The 3rd DIAD-DIAL Conference Read More »

Legal consultants UAE

Legal Corner with Alsuwaidi & Company / Swiss Business Council Dubai. “How to Avoid & Handle Bad Debts”

Alsuwaidi & Company was recently invited to perform a presentation before the Swiss Business Council held in Dubai, UAE. Our Senior Associate, Mr. Suneer Kumar represented our firm by leading a seminar on the topic: ‘How to Avoid & Handle Bad Debts’. Mr. Suneer’s depth of research and understanding on the topic in question, and

Legal Corner with Alsuwaidi & Company / Swiss Business Council Dubai. “How to Avoid & Handle Bad Debts” Read More »

Best Civil law firms in UAE

The 5th International Fund Summit / Nicosia, Cyprus

Alsuwaidi & Company attended the 5th International Fund Summit held at Nicosia, Cyprus. Organized by the Cyprus Investment Fund Association and Invest Cyprus, the Summit tackled global industry trends, opportunities and challenges in the global fund management industry. Our Senior Associate, Mr. Suneer Kumar, was present at the Summit to engage with the industry’s movers

The 5th International Fund Summit / Nicosia, Cyprus Read More »

Global Employment Law

The 2018 Multilaw Annual Global Meeting event (“AGM”) held in Bangkok, Thailand from 25-28 October 2018.

Our Firm represented by Mr. Mohammed Alsuwaidi (Managing Partner) and Ms. Stephanie Mouanes (Associate) have attended the 2018 Multilaw Annual Global Meeting event (“AGM”) held in Bangkok, Thailand from 25-28 October 2018. – More than 100 lawyers from 90 independent law firms have attended this event, all coming from different Regions (America, Asia Pacific, Europe,

The 2018 Multilaw Annual Global Meeting event (“AGM”) held in Bangkok, Thailand from 25-28 October 2018. Read More »

Best Civil law firms in UAE

Demystifying the Local Courts, The Seminar by K&L Gates and Alsuwaidi &Company

Our Firm’s Managing Partner Mr. Mohammed Alsuwaidi conducted a seminar along with K&L Gates at the Ritz Carlton in Dubai on Monday 10 Dec. 2018 whereby he spoke about “Demystifying the UAE Local Courts”. Mr. Alsuwaidi explained to all the attendees about the insights into the UAE Civil & Criminal Courts including structure, procedures, applicable

Demystifying the Local Courts, The Seminar by K&L Gates and Alsuwaidi &Company Read More »

The Arab & International Arbitrators Roundtable Discussion (The Future of Dispute Resolution in the UAE) held on 27 of Jan 2019

Mr. Mohammed Alsuwaidi attended The Arab & International Arbitrators Roundtable Discussion (The Future of Dispute Resolution in the UAE) held on 27 of Jan 2019 in ADGM Arbitration Center in Abu Dhabi. The main points covered by the Discussion are: 1- The new Arbitration Law and how this development will shape the dispute resolution landscape

The Arab & International Arbitrators Roundtable Discussion (The Future of Dispute Resolution in the UAE) held on 27 of Jan 2019 Read More »

The IBA 11th Annual Real Estate Investments Conference

Our Managing Partner, Mr. Mohammed R Alsuwaidi moderated in the Friday morning session ‘Real estate disputes – whose court is it anyway?’ at the IBA 11th Annual Real Estate Investments Conference. The panel of speakers discussed the different jurisdictional considerations for real estate disputes.”

The IBA 11th Annual Real Estate Investments Conference Read More »

Legal Associate in Dubai

Mother’s Day

Alsuwaidi & Company Celebrates Mother’s Day with Vida Grace Serrano, Mother & Legal Associate. This Mother’s Day, Alsuwaidi & Company pays tribute to the working mother who dedicates her life to raising generations while managing to fulfill her mission as an active member of society through a career path she chooses and succeeds in with

Mother’s Day Read More »

Best Civil law firms in UAE

CIArb International Arbitration Conference 2017 – Paris, France

Alsuwaidi & Company is proud to have participated in the CIArb International Arbitration Conference 2017 held at the Hotel Marriott Champs Elysees in Paris, France. Organized by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and the ICC International Court of Arbitration, the International Arbitration Conference this year focused on the “Synergy and Divergence between Civil Law

CIArb International Arbitration Conference 2017 – Paris, France Read More »