Alsuwaidi & Company

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked band

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked band two for the second year in Chambers & Partners Global 2023

We are delighted to share with you that Alsuwaidi & Company has been ranked for the second year Tier 2 law firm in Chambers and Partners Global 2023 research. Our recognition in international legal market is only as good as our representation of you, our client, so I thank you from my heart for your continued support.

Why are the Chambers Rankings Important?

Chambers and Partners is recognized as the worldwide leader in legal performance insights, and their rankings are considered the gold standard for firms and attorneys in more than 200 jurisdictions.

As an independent research group, the Chambers rankings are widely considered to be both objective and highly selective. Firms cannot pay to be included, which levels the playing field so firms of all sizes can be considered and guarantees that the rankings are truly built on the strength of a firm’s submission and the information gathered by the Chambers analysts.

Our Strengths

An interviewee commented “The various members of their team we have dealt with have a wide range of expertise and have been professional in their dealings with us.”

Notable practitioners

Mohammed Alsuwaidi is a longstanding disputes lawyer in Dubai and a highly regarded presence before the local courts. He is a regular adviser to banks on issues such as the enforcement of arbitral awards and also has noteworthy expertise in real estate disputes.” Chambers 2023

“We are very happy dealing with Mohammed Alsuwaidi and have an excellent relationship with him.”

Ranking Department

Dispute Resolution Tier 2

Alsuwaidi & Company specialises in high volume and complex litigation and has one of the best known and successful litigation practices in the UAE.  We are very pleased with these results. Thank you once again for your support.

I look forward to working with you in the coming year and please do reach out to me personally if we can help you in any matter.

Kind regards

Mohammed Alsuwaidi