Alsuwaidi & Company


Decree No. (29) of 2024 regarding the establishment of Judicial Committee for Resolving Jurisdictional Conflicts between the DIFC Courts and the Judicial Authorities in Dubai Emirate

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Ruler of Dubai, has issued Decree No. (29) of 2024 regarding the establishment of an independent judicial body called the “Judicial Committee for Resolving Jurisdictional Conflicts between the DIFC Courts and the Judicial Authorities in Dubai Emirate.” This committee is composed of seven judges, Headed by

Decree No. (29) of 2024 regarding the establishment of Judicial Committee for Resolving Jurisdictional Conflicts between the DIFC Courts and the Judicial Authorities in Dubai Emirate Read More »

Enforcement of Foreign Court Judgments in Civil Proceedings

Delve into the complexities of recognizing and enforcing foreign court judgments in UAE local courts with practical insights in a write up authored by our Senior Associate, Rajiv Suri. Explore the Montevideo Convention’s principles, the ‘lotus principle,’ and the territoriality principle, uncovering the nuances of sovereignty and jurisdiction. Understand the pivotal role of bilateral agreements

Enforcement of Foreign Court Judgments in Civil Proceedings Read More »

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked Tier 2 in Chambers & Partners Global 2024

Alsuwaidi & Company has been ranked  Tier 2 law firm in Chambers and Partners Global 2024 research.  Chambers notes that Alsuwaidi & Company “inspires a considerable return of insightful client commentary, indicating a dependable level of service and houses a solid bench of dedicated specialists.” “Alsuwaidi & Company’s ability to handle complex and sophisticated matters is strong.  They have

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked Tier 2 in Chambers & Partners Global 2024 Read More »

Chambers Global Practice Guide UAE: Litigation 2024

We are pleased to share with you our contribution to the Chambers Global Practice Guide, Litigation 2024 for the UAE. The latest guide provides expert legal commentary on litigation funding, initiating a lawsuit, representative or collective actions, pre-trial proceedings, discovery, injunctive relief, settlement, damages, appeals, costs, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and arbitration. Many thanks to Mohammed Alsuwaidi, Reda

Chambers Global Practice Guide UAE: Litigation 2024 Read More »

What is ADR?

As the words suggest, alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) implies any process, system or method which helps resolve disputes between the parties without them having to resort to litigation. Some of the most used forms of ADR methods are arbitration and settlement through mediation. We are pleased to share with you that one of our Senior Associates,

What is ADR? Read More »

International Arbitration

UAE – The Middle Ground between Europe, Africa & Asia: The Benefits of a Pluralistic Approach to International Arbitration

We are pleased to invite  you to attend our event “ UAE- The Middle Ground Between Europe, Africa and Asia: The Benefits of a Pluralistic Approach to International Arbitration”, which is scheduled to take place on Monday 13th November 2023, 01:00 PM-3:00 PM at Amal’s Coffee & Tea House, Capital Club Dubai, Gate Village Building 3,

UAE – The Middle Ground between Europe, Africa & Asia: The Benefits of a Pluralistic Approach to International Arbitration Read More »

ندوة حول قانون تنظيم علاقات العمل بالتعاون مع غرفة تجارة وصناعة عجمان

بالتعاون مع غرفة تجارة وصناعة عجمان سيقيم مكتب السويدي  ومشاركوه ندوة حول قانون تنظيم علاقات العمل يقدمها المستشار/رضا حجازي  يوم الاربعاء الموافق 13 سبتمبر  2023 الساعة 10 صباحاً.  تأتي هذه الندوة ضمن سلسلة فعاليات تهدف إلى تعزيز الوعي حول القوانين والأنظمة والتي سيتم تقديمها من خلال خبراء في المجال القانوني. ندعو جميع الشركات والأفراد المهتمين بموضوع

ندوة حول قانون تنظيم علاقات العمل بالتعاون مع غرفة تجارة وصناعة عجمان Read More »

Chambers Global Practice Guide UAE: Enforcement of Judgments 2023

We are pleased to share with you our contribution to the Chambers Global Practice Guide UAE: Enforcement of Judgments 2023 This guide provides the latest legal information on the identification of another party’s asset position, the costs and time involved in the enforcement of domestic and foreign judgments, challenges to enforcement, and the process of enforcing arbitral award. Many

Chambers Global Practice Guide UAE: Enforcement of Judgments 2023 Read More »

ندوة علمية من خلال الانترنت حول موضوع : المحاماة والرقمنة تحديات وآفاق

بالاشتراك مع المنظمة العربية للمحامين الشباب نظم مكتب السويدي ومشاركوه بتاريخ 25 يوليو 2023 ندوة علمية من خلال الانترنت حول موضوع : المحاماة والرقمنة تحديات وآفاق، وخلال هذه الندوة تولى عدد من المستشارين من بلدان عربية مختلفة تقديم عروضا تناولت محاور مختلفة بعلاقة مهنة المحاماة بالرقمنة وتحدياتها من ناحية وما يمكن أن توفره من فرص

ندوة علمية من خلال الانترنت حول موضوع : المحاماة والرقمنة تحديات وآفاق Read More »

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked band two for the second year in Chambers & Partners Global 2023

We are delighted to share with you that Alsuwaidi & Company has been ranked for the second year Tier 2 law firm in Chambers and Partners Global 2023 research. Our recognition in international legal market is only as good as our representation of you, our client, so I thank you from my heart for your continued support. Why are the

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked band two for the second year in Chambers & Partners Global 2023 Read More »

Chambers Global Practice Guide UAE: Litigation 2023

We are pleased to share with you our contribution to the Chambers Global Practice Guide, Litigation 2023 for the UAE. The latest guide provides expert legal commentary on litigation funding, initiating a lawsuit, representative or collective actions, pre-trial proceedings, discovery, injunctive relief, settlement, damages, appeals, costs, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and arbitration. Many thanks to Mohammed Alsuwaidi, Robert

Chambers Global Practice Guide UAE: Litigation 2023 Read More »

Legal Framework for Non-muslims Marriages

United Arab Emirates – Non-Muslims Marriage, Divorce, and Inheritance Under New Personal Law

H.H. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan – the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”) President, recently issued the Decree by Law No. (41) of (2022), concerning the Civil Personal Status Code. The provisions of this Decree shall apply to the non-Muslims in the UAE who are UAE Citizens and to non-Muslim Foreigners residing therein. The Decree

United Arab Emirates – Non-Muslims Marriage, Divorce, and Inheritance Under New Personal Law Read More »

Best Labour Lawyers in Dubai

New Family Business Law

Regulates the benefits, incentives and work of family businesses, governance, management, transfer of shares and dispute resolution in order to enhance their role in the national economy On 10 October 2022, Decree-Law No. (37) on Family Businesses was issued and published in the Official Gazette and it will come into force three months after the

New Family Business Law Read More »

تعديل قانون العمل يسمح بإبرام عقد عمل دون حد أقصى لمدته

اعتبارا من 29 سبتمبر 2022، أدخلت وزارة الموارد البشرية والتوطين تعديلا بموجب المرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم 14 لسنة 2022، بتعديل بعض أحكام المرسوم بقانون اتحادي – رقم 33 لعام 2021 والذي يتناول في المقام الأول تنظيم علاقات العمل. ويبرم عقد العمل لمدة محددة لا تزيد على ثلاث سنوات، ويجوز تجديده أو تمديده باتفاق الطرفين لفترة

تعديل قانون العمل يسمح بإبرام عقد عمل دون حد أقصى لمدته Read More »

Labor Lawyers in Dubai

Amendment of the Labor Law allows for the conclusion of an employment contract without a maximum duration limit

Effective September 29, 2022, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHRE) has brought into force an amendment vide Federal Decree law No. 14 of 2022 amending some provision/s of Federal Decree – Law No. 33 of 2021 which primarily deal with the Regulation of Labor Relations. The amendment primarily relates to abolishing the maximum

Amendment of the Labor Law allows for the conclusion of an employment contract without a maximum duration limit Read More »

UAE Labour Law

UAE: Rent, unpaid loans, custody battles… 7 reasons you could have a travel ban placed on you

Mohamed Elmasry’s recent contribution to the Gulf News focuses on how travel bans may be placed due to administrative or legal reasons.  AS PUBLISHED IN GULF NEWS Dubai: Have you defaulted on your bank loan or have a case pending against you in UAE courts? If so, you may be worried if you have a travel

UAE: Rent, unpaid loans, custody battles… 7 reasons you could have a travel ban placed on you Read More »

UAE Commercial Agencies Law

International judicial delegation

International Judicial Delegation in Criminal Matters As the means of communications advanced among various persons and entities, transportation and travel among countries have become easier along with the conclusion of transactions of all kinds including commercial transactions and banking transfers, and other cross-border transactions that can be completed in a matter of minutes or less

International judicial delegation Read More »

Foreign Ownership

Non-compete Clause In Federal Decree-Law No. (33) of 2021 on the Regulation of Labor Relations and its Executives Regulations and Exceptions Contained Therein

The Federal Decree-Law No. (33) of 2021 took effect on 2 February 2022 and one of the significant changes which both the employer and employee must take into consideration is the non-compete clause in the employment contract. The Federal Decree-Law No. (33) of 2021 the Regulation of Labor Relations states, in Article 10, that the

Non-compete Clause In Federal Decree-Law No. (33) of 2021 on the Regulation of Labor Relations and its Executives Regulations and Exceptions Contained Therein Read More »

Commercial Dispute Lawyer Dubai

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked band two in Chambers & Partners Global 2022

We are delighted to share with you that Alsuwaidi & Company has been ranked Band 2 law firm in Chambers and Partners Global 2022 research. Why are the Chambers Rankings Important? Chambers and Partners is recognized as the worldwide leader in legal performance insights, and their rankings are considered the gold standard for firms and attorneys in

Alsuwaidi & Company ranked band two in Chambers & Partners Global 2022 Read More »

intellectual property Lawyers in UAE | Amended Trademarks Law

Alsuwaidi & Company Legal Guide to the DIFC and ADGM Courts

Alsuwaidi & Company handles all matters before the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM). The off shore legal system operates independently to the onshore system. This short guide aims to give you an overview of the various courts the operate in the DIFC and ADGM. For further information, please

Alsuwaidi & Company Legal Guide to the DIFC and ADGM Courts Read More »

Corporate Lawyers in Dubai

From the 02 of January 2022 a Bounced Cheque will be considered an execution deed

Federal Decree Law No. 14 of 2020 was issued to amend certain provisions of the Federal Commercial Transactions Law No. 18 of 1993 and was published in the Official Gazette in Issue 687 (Supplement) issued on September 30, 2020. This law will come into force on 02 January 2022, and a number of provisions have

From the 02 of January 2022 a Bounced Cheque will be considered an execution deed Read More »

UAE Federal Law

بداية من يناير 2022 الشيك المرتجع يعد سنداً تنفيدياً

صدر المرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم 14 لسنة 2020 بتعديل بعض أحكام قانون المعاملات التجارية الاتحادي رقم 18 لسنة 1993 وتم نشره في الجريدة الرسمية   في العدد 687 (ملحق) الصادر بتاريخ 30 سبتمبر 2020. والذي يبدأ العمل به من تاريخ 02/01/2022، وفي ضوء هذا المرسوم بقانون، فقد تم تعديل وإلغاء واضافة بعض الأحكام لقانون المعاملات التجارية

بداية من يناير 2022 الشيك المرتجع يعد سنداً تنفيدياً Read More »

UAE Commercial Agencies Law

Financial cybercrime since the COVID-19 Pandemic:

CRIMINALS HAVE BEEN BUSY: The COVID-19 pandemic dominated 2020. Cybercriminals have been busy exploiting vulnerabilities as a result of the pandemic, disrupting companies with remote working becoming a reality. We are all more exposed to cyber fraud due to the inevitable digital dependence, and this has resulted in cases of financial cybercrime being at an

Financial cybercrime since the COVID-19 Pandemic: Read More »

UAE Federal Law

UAE: I terminated my contract early – will I get my cheques back or have to pay a penalty?

REDA HEGAZY’s recent contribution to the Gulf News focuses on If you terminate your lease agreement in the UAE before it is completed, would you need to pay a penalty or the remaining rent for the months left on the contract? Here is all you need to know UAE: I terminated my contract early –

UAE: I terminated my contract early – will I get my cheques back or have to pay a penalty? Read More »

UAE Commercial Agencies Law

Knowing and understanding the UAE Court system: a comparison of the legal civil procedures between the DIFC and Dubai Courts’ systems

Introduction Over the past 14 years, Dubai has embraced both civil and common law legal systems within its borders. In order to understand the concepts involved I have set out below the fundamentals of each system ending with a comparative look at the two systems as they are currently in use at this time. Dubai

Knowing and understanding the UAE Court system: a comparison of the legal civil procedures between the DIFC and Dubai Courts’ systems Read More »

Legal Business Week interview

Dubai Land Department Partners With Alsuwaidi & Company On Real Estate Lawyer Initiative

Alsuwaidi & Company is one of the selected law firms in the UAE to partner with the Dubai Land Department (“DLD”) on the Real Estate Lawyer initiative. The Real Estate Lawyer initiative presents Dubai as one of the world’s most attractive investment destinations globally. The Initiative opens Dubai’s real estate industry to both local and

Dubai Land Department Partners With Alsuwaidi & Company On Real Estate Lawyer Initiative Read More »

In the UAE, is the spread of the coronavirus considered as a force majeure in construction contracts?

The question which many in the construction industry are asking during this time, is whether the current pandemic can be deemed a force majeure event. If so, what impact does this have on construction contracts? Should parties be in agreement, is it acceptable for them to continue with an existing contract irrespective of the force

In the UAE, is the spread of the coronavirus considered as a force majeure in construction contracts? Read More »

UAE Commercial Agencies Law

The enforcement of arbitral awards and foreign provisions within three days in United Arab Emirates

Article 85 of the Regulations of the Civil Procedures Law issued by Cabinet Resolution No. 57 of 2018 (“Regulation”) regarding the regulations of Federal Law No. (11) of 1992 regarding civil procedures, enumerates the procedures that the applicant shall take to enforce foreign provisions, orders and bonds within the state. In addition, Article 86 of

The enforcement of arbitral awards and foreign provisions within three days in United Arab Emirates Read More »

Legal Associate in Dubai

Law No. (2) of 2019 Amending Some Provisions of Law No. (21) of 2015 Concerning Judicial Fees in Dubai Courts

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister, in his capacity as Ruler of Dubai, has issued an amendment to Law No. 21 of 2015 regarding the new fees of the Dubai Courts. The amendment replaced the provisions of Articles (8), (14) and (35) with provisions relating to non-payment of fees,

Law No. (2) of 2019 Amending Some Provisions of Law No. (21) of 2015 Concerning Judicial Fees in Dubai Courts Read More »

Legal consultants UAE

Is job offer letter legally binding on the employee and the employer?

Our latest insight from Reda Hegazy. A Job Offer Letter: It is the intention of an employer to appoint a prospective employee under the conditions and features that are outlined in a job offer. This offer is generally prepared in writing in order to prove its content easily, and it may include terms of contract and

Is job offer letter legally binding on the employee and the employer? Read More »

UAE Employment Law

Dubai Judiciary’s approach to investors’ request to cancel sale and purchase agreements and compensation for delay in completion of real estate projects

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the fastest-growing countries in the field of construction and real estate development. Among the seven emirates in UAE, the Emirate of Dubai is one of the leading contributors in the speedy growth of construction and real estate development through the issuance of comprehensive real estate legislations as

Dubai Judiciary’s approach to investors’ request to cancel sale and purchase agreements and compensation for delay in completion of real estate projects Read More »

Legal Associate in Dubai

The Legitimacy of Arbitration as a Means of Dispute Resolution

Islam has legitimized the arbitration method in order to simplify the process of litigation. Islamic jurisprudence has given the subject of arbitration utmost attention and organized a well-established rules and regulations. The advantages of arbitration lie in streamlining its procedures, confidentiality of its hearings, and legal basis in particular if those in charge are recognized

The Legitimacy of Arbitration as a Means of Dispute Resolution Read More »