Alsuwaidi & Company

ESG Engagement & Litigation 2023

ESG Engagement & Litigation 2023-UAE

ESG, Environmental, Social & Governances, is a hot topic for every business discussion and on top of the agenda for every business strategy meeting.”  

Mr. Mohammed Alsuwaidi, Managing Partner of Alsuwaidi & Company, and Mr. Suneer Kumar, Head of Corporate and Commercial team, shed light on ESG engagement and litigation in various jurisdictions in the UAE. A discussion shared in the Lexology GTDT Market Intelligence Report that provides a unique perspective on evolving legal & regulatory landscapes in the local market and how it is going to be perceived in the coming five years. To read the full article, please click here.

Many thanks to Mr. Mohammed Alsuwaidi, and Mr. Suneer Kumar for their efforts in bringing this topic to fruition.