Alsuwaidi & Company

Reda Hegazy

I’m changing jobs? Can my employer apply a non-compete clause on me?

بداية من يناير 2022 الشيك المرتجع يعد سنداً تنفيدياً

صدر المرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم 14 لسنة 2020 بتعديل بعض أحكام قانون المعاملات التجارية الاتحادي رقم 18 لسنة 1993 وتم نشره في الجريدة الرسمية   في العدد 687 (ملحق) الصادر بتاريخ 30 سبتمبر 2020. والذي يبدأ العمل به من تاريخ 02/01/2022، وفي ضوء هذا المرسوم بقانون، فقد تم تعديل وإلغاء واضافة بعض الأحكام لقانون المعاملات التجارية […]

بداية من يناير 2022 الشيك المرتجع يعد سنداً تنفيدياً Read More »

In the UAE

In the UAE, is the spread of the coronavirus considered as a force majeure in construction contracts?

The question which many in the construction industry are asking during this time, is whether the current pandemic can be deemed a force majeure event. If so, what impact does this have on construction contracts? Should parties be in agreement, is it acceptable for them to continue with an existing contract irrespective of the force

In the UAE, is the spread of the coronavirus considered as a force majeure in construction contracts? Read More »

Is it legal to start a business while working in the UAE

Is job offer letter legally binding on the employee and the employer?

Our latest insight from Reda Hegazy. A Job Offer Letter: It is the intention of an employer to appoint a prospective employee under the conditions and features that are outlined in a job offer. This offer is generally prepared in writing in order to prove its content easily, and it may include terms of contract and

Is job offer letter legally binding on the employee and the employer? Read More »